• Smart Phone Data Recovery | iPhone, Droid, BlackBerry, Pocket PC and Windows CE Data Recovery

      Why Do Smart Phones, Digital Tablets & Memory Card Devices Lose Data?

      There are two possible causes of smartphone data loss:

      • Non-Physical Failure – The mobile, smart phone, or media device is functioning properly and turned on, but certain data or files may be inaccessible due to issues such as reformatting, accidental deletion of important files, bad sectors, lost volume, software corruption, or virus infection.
      • Physical Failure – The mobile, smart phone or media device is not powering on or not functioning due to accidental drop, overheating, liquid damage, broken usb or power connectors, and much more.

      What Causes Smart Phones, Digital Tablets & Memory Card Device Failure?

      Device failure can be caused by a range of factors, including:

      • System update failure
      • System crashes
      • Accidental deletion
      • Improper or accidental SIM card removal
      • Letting memory get too full
      • Phone memory formatting
      • iOS Corruption
      • Improper ejected media
      • Hardware failure
      • SD card related problems
      • Power surges
      • SD card controller software issues
      • Virus and Malware
      • Accidental drop
      • Water damage
      • And many more data recovery situations

      Tips and tricks to recover your smartphone data

      If you spill water on your iPhone or Smart Phone or dropped it into the water;

      • Get it out of water immediately.
      • Towel dry it.
      • If it is still powered on, back it up immediately!
      • If it is still powered off; Don’t attempt to power it on.
      • Don’t attempt to charge it.
      • Don’t attempt to open it up dry it.

      NOTE: You will read on the Internet to towel dry your phone and put it into a bag of rice to dry it. Wait 4 to 5 days until the smart phone is totally dry, before you attempt to power on. It is NOT RECOMMENDED you attempt this on you own. If you turn on your phone too quickly while its internal components are still wet, the battery may cause a short circuit that can completely ruin your Smart Phone, Blackberry, iPhone or Droid, making any chance of recovery impossible.

      Are you may be tech savvy, and want to open up the phone and dry it yourself. NOT RECOMMENDED!

      You only have a window of 24-48 hours to take your device to a data recovery professional before it begins to dry out. Attempting to force dry it using methods such as a blow dryer or wiping it with a rag can actually worsen the damage. Wiping it with a rag may cause further harm by catching on the components. Whether the device dries naturally or is force dried, harmful residue is left behind on the delicate circuitry. Fresh water contains harsh chemicals like chlorine, while saltwater carries salt and proteins, all of which can be extremely damaging. As these proteins dry, they expand, potentially pushing up and disconnecting the circuitry if moisture has seeped under the components.

      Most of the time, when an inexperienced person tries to do this, the phone ends up shorting out and causing further damage, making it impossible to recover. If the iPhone or smartphone is sent to us within 24 to 48 hours, we have a success rate of over 90%.

      Realtime Support Data Recovery is capable of retrieving your Smart Phone data, even in cases of water damage, accidental deletion, accidental drop, iOS update failure, corrupt SIM card, or any other data loss scenario.

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  • Realtime Support Data Recovery is a pioneer provider of data recovery solutions. We have helped thousands of customers in getting back their lost data.